Budget Request Form
Thank you for all you do for First U! We appreciate the work done and services offered by your group, and want to support you as much as possible.
As we begin to work with our Strategic Plan, the Finance – Development Team is working on projecting costs over the next few years. It is our hope to have longer-range financial plans so that we can adequately pay for all the work we want to do.
Right now, we are planning ahead for our Operating Budget Preparation for FY 2024-25. In order to be able to work with the most accurate information possible, we are asking for each group to complete this form and submit it by November 30.
In looking at your programs and ideas, we encourage you to be guided by the aspirations and goals in the Strategic Plan. Even if your group is not specifically mentioned as needing to do something new, all plans can and should be informed by the hopes and objectives of the Plan. Feel free to ask any member of PruComm if you have questions about how The Plan can inform your plans!