Music is an integral part of the First Unitarian experience, both in the services in the Meeting House and in Youth Chapel.

Beth Armstrong, our interim music director, is a talented choir director and singer. She plans and leads the music component of most worship services, in collaboration with the ministers and the Worship Committee.

Four main music groups engage many members of our congregation: the First Unitarian Choirs and the Community Band. Our congregation also has a variety of talented adult and youth musicians who provide music for our lay-led summer services and at special events throughout the year, including talent shows and a Wassail after the Christmas Eve service.


This group is open to anyone who has a familiarity with written music and is proficient at learning complex pieces at a fast pace. UUPhonia rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:00am. Led by Interim Music Director Beth Armstrong.


This is a slightly less formal group for adults and teens who love to sing but have less experience. This groups sings 2-4 times a year in worship, and rehearses on select Sundays after worship. Led by IMD Beth Armstrong.


This group is open to anyone in the Spiritual Pathways (Sunday School) program. They sing a few times a year in worship and rehearse on select Sundays after worship. Led by Youth Music Director Asa Spring.

CommUUnity Band

The Community Band is a collection of singers and instrumentalists who love music and provide a simple, accessible pathway to music performance and appreciation in the church. Folk, rock, jazz, blues, show tunes, world music, pop music, even hymns and classical music are all Community Band’s interests. They welcome all instrumentalists and support musicians’ growth at all levels. Experienced musicians learn from fresh new ideas, and new members learn techniques from practiced musicians. Led by YMD Asa Spring.

Music Committee

First Unitarian’s Music Committee works in partnership with the Interim Music Director to set goals for a music program that brings a vibrant spiritual ministry to the church, enhances and complements the worship services and Spiritual Pathways programs, and serves the church’s long-range goals.

In addition, the Music Committee, along with the Interim Music Director: recruits people to participate in musical groups and projects; helps interested newcomers find a place in the First U music program; assures protection and maintenance of the organ and other musical instruments; maintains the hymnals and printed music collections; provides updates on the music program to all church communications media; formulates the annual music budget; and facilitates special fund-raising that benefits the music program. At any time when there is no music director, the Music Committee continues to assist in carrying out these responsibilities. Contact them at


Stay tuned for information about our Organ! In the meantime, please read this report from Organ Consultant Jonathan Ambrosino.