Ways to pay your pledge
Payment options
After you have made your pledge to First Unitarian and decided on a payment schedule, you have several payment options.
You can:
— Pay by credit card and choose payment frequency by clicking here.
— Pay by personal check by putting your checks in the mail, bringing them to the church office, or putting them in the collection plate. Be sure to write “pledge payment” on the memo line.
— Pay by cash. To get credit for paying in cash — either in the collection plate or delivered to the church office — put your cash in a pledge envelope and write your name on it. You can pick up pledge envelopes in church on Sunday mornings.
— Pay by auto-pay through your bank. Consult with your bank to set up this payment. Checks should be mailed to: First Unitarian Church of Providence, One Benevolent Street, Providence, RI 02906.
If you have any questions, please call the church office at 401-421-7970.