Community Collections
What is the Community Collection?
The Community Collection allows the First Unitarian Church community to practice generosity and to support good works in our larger community and globally. These “pass through” collections replace the normal offering at a Sunday worship service and generally occur once a month during the church year.
Where were recent Community Collections distributed?
First Unitarian’s Community Collections have been distributed to the Sexual Assault Advocacy Network, Project Weber, Sojourner House, Loaves and Fishes, Transylvania Partnership Church, Everett Stage and School, Incest AWARE, Peace & Plenty, the Nonviolence Institute, Girl Effect, Providence Village, Beautiful Day, Farm Fresh RI.
Who decides who receives one of the collections?
A committee of three – the Prudential Committee liaison to Social Justice Ministry and two members from the Social Justice Ministry – is responsible for receiving and approving proposals for a Community Collection. Members of the Community Collection Committee recuse themselves when considering a collection for any project with which they are closely associated.
Who is eligible?
Community Collections are limited to the support of programs sponsored by a program of the church or those that involve active participation from a member of the church. In any case, there must be a group of at least three members who are willing to be a sponsoring group for a proposed collection. Collections are not intended to support ongoing programs, and no program should assume it would receive a collection for two years running.
What is the timeline for submitting proposals?
Proposals are typically submitted in April, announced in May, and begin in the Fall. For questions or more information, please email or call the church office.