Author: Kelly Coccio

How far can reach a smile?

Getting ready for the onslaught of turkey and thanks coming this week, I found myself thinking about family politics. Just then a title in our hymnal came to mind (How Far Can Reach a Smile?), and I held onto that question throughout the day.

Later that … read more.

Reflection on Imagining the Future

By Cheryl Bartholomew, President

This past month I had the privilege of attending all three of the Imagine the Future conversations that were held in the auditorium. For some time now the Prudential Committee has wanted to provide a forum for members of the congregation to … read more.

Say Hello

By Rev. Roger Peltier, Assistant Minister for Pastoral Care

I thought some pithy platitude like “Humankind. Be both.” would be a great way to introduce myself as your new Assistant Minister for Pastoral Care. Perhaps this bumper-sticker wisdom would make me sound smart or seem interesting.

Then, … read more.

First U November 8 Potluck Sign-Up


Please let us know you’re coming, what you’re bringing,
and what help you can provide!


Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Phone *Cell or homeEmail *Total adults attending: *Total children attending: *I will bring: *AppetizersMain Course (Meat)Main Course (Veg)VegetablesSaladDesertBeveragesGluten Free … read more.

Special funding test


TEST ONLY – need a preamble explanation, some hints about filling out the form, and perhaps the text describing the various ministries.




Community, connection, and fellowship

A reflection by Cheryl Bartholomew,
PruCom President

There’s something about the fall season – the crispness to the air, the vibrant colors, geese, pumpkins, apples, mums on porches – that invites me to think about change and possibility. I’ve been thinking a … read more.

Partner Church Visit Presentation – October 20

The Transylvania Partner Church Committee would like to invite YOU to a presentation of our June trip to our partner church in Szentegyhaza Transylvania, which is in Romania. The presentation will take place on October 20 in the auditorium after services. Since this is the … read more.