The Transylvania Partner Church Committee would like to invite YOU to a presentation of our June trip to our partner church in Szentegyhaza Transylvania, which is in Romania. The presentation will take place on October 20 in the auditorium after services. Since this is the weekend that the Rev. Smith will be leading the music at the service, we anticipate the start time of our event will need to be flexible.
We will meet in the auditorium at about noon, where a light lunch will be served of typical Transylvanian cuisine. The lunch will have vegetarian options and will include a vegetable tray, mushroom soup, a very interesting meat dish, a poppy seed dessert and light drinks. Who knows there may even be a source of their famous Palinka!.
The presentation will take about 30 minutes. There will be time afterwards for question and answers. The Partner Church Committee will be taking reservations for the event in the parlor by the cabinet with our display of Transylvania mementos starting October 6th.
It is important that you sign up for this free event in order that we have enough food to feed everyone.