The “Wild Roses Folk Dance Group”, is a native Hungarian Youth Folk Dance Group from Székelykeresztúr, in the Transylvanian region of Romania. Members of our church visiting Transylvania earlier this year saw the performance and loved it!
“Wild Roses” will be performing in colorful traditional costumes. Each of the performances will be followed by an invitation to learn some simple dances. The group includes 17 dancers and musicians, and will be accompanied by the youth folk dance band “Lelkes Zenekar”.
The dances feature an exuberant display of intricate moves and patterns that invite participation. The live music is infectious and leaves the audience wanting to hear more. The members of the group are eager to share their excitement about their native dances and music with a New England audience.
The Partner Congregation Committee of First Parish in Concord who is hosting the dance group, says this about the performances: “This is a wonderful opportunity for these young people to share their Hungarian Culture with us and to broaden their own horizons by learning about ours.”
The Transylvania Partner Church Committee of the First Unitarian church of Providence is happy to support this event. You can sign up during coffee hour, to learn more, and perhaps join a car pool.
Performances and Workshops:
Saturday, October 26, 7:30pm
First Parish in Concord Parish Hall
20 Lexington Road, Concord MA 01742
Free will donations at the door.
Thomas Getz – or
Contact: Lillian Anderson
Sunday, November 3, 7:30 pm
First Church in Belmont Parish Hall
404 Concord Avenue, Belmont, MA 02478
Free will donations at the door.
Thomas Getz – or
Contact: Lillian Anderson