Partner Church ReFresh Weekend, October 12-14
Mark your calendars! On October 12-14, the Transylvania Partner Church Committee will be sponsoring a ReFresh Program for First U. The purpose of the weekend program, which is coordinated by the UU Partner Church Council (UUPCC), is to explain to our congregation the benefits and experiences of having a partner church in Transylvania and how to involve more of the congregation in this effort.
Friday: The weekend will start at the Friday evening Parish House Pot Luck Supper. The Partner Church Committee will sponsor the supper and the evening program. There will be some tasty goodies from Transylvania being served at the supper. Be sure to get in line early to get some goulash! The evening program will be led by our contact at the UUPCC, Rev. Roger Berchausen, who will talk about how partner church relationships are an added value to a congregation. Please sign up for the Parish Supper to attend this event.
Saturday: There will be a workshop from 10-2 with lunch. All interested members of the congregation and its leaders are urged to attend. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of a partnership. We will hear inspiring stories from other congregations about their partnerships. We will learn about the importance of discussing multicultural issues and what benefits that might bring to the partners. Finally, Rev. Berchausen will discuss how to include our youth in our partnership. And of course, there will be some discussion about travel to our partner church in 2019. Who knows, you may just want to come along too and see for yourself why so many of us find this partnership enriching. Please contact Tom or Janet to reserve a place at this meeting. We will need to know who will be coming in order to have enough food. There will be a sign up table during coffee hour to learn more and to place your reservation.
Sunday: Rev. Liz will assist Rev. Berchausen at the Sunday service. This service will focus on partnership. We hope to have a pre-recorded or live contact with our partner congregation in Transylvania via the Internet.
This should be an exciting weekend! Come and enjoy as much of it as you can.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Tom Getz or Janet Downing Taylor.