Our doors are open! We look forward to welcoming everyone to our first in-person church service of the regular church year in a very long time! Join us for this multigenerational service celebrating our regathering, honoring the close of summer and the beginning of a new year of church and life.
There’s more than usual this year: the 20-year anniversary of 9/11; the Jewish New Year holidays that we will be amidst on this Sunday; meeting our new Interim Music Director, Jeff Allard; and most of all, our gladness at being together and the strength we have together to weather the ongoing challenges of the pandemic and this tumultuous time.
In the middle of it all, we are here for each other always, and we will be so glad to see each other again without a screen, without a phone, just – people. We will keep our safety measures in place, mask-wearing is necessary, and especially because we hope our young people will be present, we hope and believe all attendees will be vaccinated. We can’t wait to see you!!!