How are you really doing during this time of national and world-wide disruption? Many folks are worried, angry, sad, depressed, which is understandable. But, let us talk today about how our faith helps us and guides us during turbulent times.
Rev. Danielle Di Bona has served Unitarian Universalism for 30 years. Ordained in 1998, she served as a hospice chaplain for 15 years and now serves as palliative care chaplain at South Shore Hospital. Currently, she is also chaplain to the UUA Board of Trustees and a member of the Board of the Church of the Larger Fellowship. She is the recipient of the 2018 Award for Distinguished Service to the Cause of Unitarian Universalism.
Rev. Di Bona is bi-racial and claims both her mother’s Wampanoag heritage and her father’s Italian heritage. She has been active in many Native organizations, with a special interest in removing Native images from sports teams. For fun, Danielle trains and shows her dogs.