June is a time when I embrace the warmth and beauty of so much around me. It is also when I appreciate the blessings that our young people bring to my own life, our congregation, and way beyond. The closing recognitions and celebrations are just the energy boost I need to review, evaluate, envision, and move forward in my work when the outdoors is calling.
The Spiritual Pathways Team and I hold responsibility for developing and facilitating Unitarian Universalist faith development experiences that are meaningful, relevant, and accessible for families amid a complicated landscape. We are serious in our efforts to keep our hands on the pulse of cultural challenges and changes, locally, in our Association and our world. Our curriculum is evolving to include more interfaith connections, multiage relational experiences, and service learning.
We know that religious education happens mostly at home and certainly not only on Sundays. Therefore, we see our goal as a family ministry that serves a population ranging from infants to parents and elders. On Sunday mornings we blend worship and small groups that forge caring relationships of support and understanding through real-life issues. When our teens share during worship in Coming of Age or high school services, the gathered congregation is witness to just a snapshot of what our many devoted volunteer leaders and I feel all year long. I am both inspired and challenged by them all.
Sunday, June 2, is the closing day of small-group gatherings, beginning with an appreciation breakfast for teacher teams. Then on to the Meeting House for the beginning of the service with an honoring of the many volunteers who have served the children and youth. Next, there will be time in classrooms to celebrate! I have deep gratitude for the children, youth, and adults who have shared time in our faith community this season!
Don’t forget the congregational annual meeting at noon on June 2. On June 9 we will celebrate our Flower Communion with children, youth, and adults in the Meeting House service.
Then my work continues to develop content for the 2019-20 Resource Book; collaborate on the worship calendar; recruit and support teacher, advisor, and mentor volunteers; and curate evolved curriculum. Please contact me in the office this month if you’d like join a team that facilitates programs for children, youth and adults in our congregation.
I hope to take part in our UUA General Assembly as a LREDA delegate in mid-June in Spokane, WA and will serve on the staff of faith development week on Star Island in July. Then, I look forward to spending time with my family this summer.
I hope that you all are able to feel and relish the warmth and beauty of this season.
Take care.
Cathy Seggel
Director of Religious Education
401.421.7970, dre@firstunitarianprov.org