September All Parish Supper
Date(s) - Friday, September 15, 2017
5:45 pm
First Unitarian Church of Providence
Everyone, young and old and in between, is welcome at these monthly gatherings of members and friends of the congregation.
- 5:45p Social Hour: Bring hors d’oeuvres to share and/or wine for your own party if you wish.
- 6:15p Potluck Dinner: Please bring a dish to share that serves at least eight people. You can bring a main dish, a vegetable, a salad, or a dessert.
- 7:45p Program in the Auditorium: MANY WELCOMES
Join us in greeting old friends and welcoming newcomers as our congregation gathers once again for the beginning of our new church year. We will be welcomed by Past President Cynthia Rosengard and our new President, Jay Glasson. They will each give a brief overview of what’s been happening at the church and what’s
ahead for us. We will also hear brief reports from our youth and our adult delegates to the UUA General Assembly in New Orleans this past June.
We are excited to welcome, as our main speaker, Rev. Elizabeth Lerner Maclay, our new settled minister. Liz will introduce herself by describing who she is and sharing her background and her views about Unitarian Universalism. She may also discuss her views on the ministry, UU church life, and the role and the vision of the UU movement in today’s world. There will be plenty of time for Q & A and conversation.
The cost is $1.00 / person at the door. Reservations for the dinner are strongly requested. Please fill out the tear-off form in the Sunday Meeting House Times and put it in the collection plate; see Jim Estey at Coffee Hour; or call the church office in advance (401.421.7970). Childcare for infants and children to age 10 will be available for parents who request in advance; call Jim Estey (401.351.1748).