Annual Meeting
Date(s) - Sunday, June 3, 2018
12:00 pm
First Unitarian Church of Providence
The Annual Meeting of the First Unitarian Church of Providence will be held on June 3 in the Parish House Auditorium for the purpose of electing Officers and members of the Prudential Commitee, the Nominating Committee, and the Board of Deacons; approving a budget for the upcoming fiscal year; and acting on other questions that may be raised during the meeting.
Questions raised at church meetings are decided by a majority of those present and voting on such questions. (No proxy or absentee voting.) Voting Members are those who signed the Membership Book at least three months before the meeting (i.e., by March 5, 2018), are over 16 years of age on the day of the meeting, and in some recorded manner within the previous 12 months have contributed to the financial support of the church.
If you are not a Voting Member, you are welcome to attend and speak at the Annual Meeting, but you may not vote.
If you have any questions about your eligibility to vote at the Annual Meeting, please call the church office (401.421.7970).
Robert’s Rules of Order governs all duly called meetings of the Church.