Welcome to a congregation that holds fresh opportunities to leap into our ministry for all ages. This year, coordinated worship and faith development themes will provide anchors and sails for creating connections, empowering passions, discovering pathways, and acting for justice to transform the world. We live in a time that calls us to both resist and love. Adults, youth, and children can find resources in our faith community to balance deep reflection and care for one another with learning ways to co-create a world that actively dismantles intersectional oppressions.
I hope you will find connections and meaningful relationships here. There will be experiential, innovative programming to inspire Unitarian Universalist spiritual development and an active family ministry that is relevant and accessible.
I look forward to a vibrant shared ministry team partnership with our new settled minister Rev. Liz Lerner Maclay and our seasoned staff in service to this congregation and beyond.
Cathy Seggel
Director of Religious Education