Community Food Share Pantry

First Unitarian’s Community Food Share Pantry has been a continuously-operating monthly food distribution site since 2000 on the third Monday of every month. As an agency of the Rhode Island Food Bank, CFS provides free food and household products to low-income families in the greater Providence community. Other services have included health care talks, free flu shots, and information about the SNAP (food stamp) program.

The Community Food Share Committee, which oversees and operates the CFS Pantry, purchases food from the RI Food Bank and local groceries. It also accepts donations from individuals and community groups.

The CFS Committee recruits a large team of volunteers who procure, set-up, and present the food and who coordinate the distribution each month. Children and youth from our Sunday school also assist the program. The program is endowed through a generous bequest from the late Dino Germani. Please consider volunteering! Click here to download & fill out the form.

Contacts: Judy Ortman, Amy Grant 

Homeless Shelter

The last Tuesday of the month, First Unitarian prepares and delivers a meal to the residents of Emmanuel House, a homeless shelter in Providence started by the Catholic Diocese of Providence to address a growing emergency need for shelter. Coordinated by our Neighborhood Social Justice Committee, First Unitarian also collects clothing and food to be donated to the residents of Emmanuel House. Many volunteer opportunities exist to help with this mission.

The Neighborhood Social Justice Committee provides other volunteer opportunities to work beyond our church doors, hand in hand with those in our neighborhood who have been socially, economically, or legally marginalized.

Contacts: Joe Salvatore and Chiara Romano Van Erp

Girl Effect Task Force

The Girl Effect Task Force raises funds to support girls’ education in parts of the world where it is most needed and has the greatest impact. We now have ongoing commitments to the Kibera Girls’ Soccer Academy in an impoverished section of Nairobi, Kenya and to female San Lucas Toliman Scholars in rural Guatemala. Education gives a girl more control over her life, helps delay marriage and pregnancy, and improves future earnings, her own health, and the health of her children. We are inspired by the Unitarian Sixth Principle of world-wide justice, as well as the guideline of Girl Effect, a global non-profit: “Girls are the most powerful force for change on the planet.” We welcome new members and ideas in the work of raising money for these projects.
Contact Polly Walker,