June is full of celebrations, closings, and envisioning the future. This month’s congregational theme, “What does it mean to be a people of Blessing?” has been pointing me to inspirational stories connected to my work. I feel good about the progress we have made, leaning into our spiral of faith skills: Cultivating Spiritual Practices, Navigating the UU Sources, Articulating Faith, Worshipping with our Lives, and Serving the World. We will continue to evolve and grow. The Spiritual Pathways Team (aka RE Committee) are collaborating with me to continue to transform curricula to be the most relevant and accessible to families. Expanding offerings for adult faith development is also important. We are on our way to supporting lifelong learning and transitions.
Children, youth, and adults have been blessings in many ways, from the birth of precious babies to celebrating the lives of friends who have died. Our volunteer teacher teams have graced the Spiritual Pathways program, forging relationships and connecting people with their wisdom and love. The senior high youth advisors have been ever-present, empowering the passion of the teens, in worship, service, friendship, and fun! Youth involvement in all aspects of congregational life is alive and growing. Ideas are bubbling up to connect the generations more and more.
I want you to know that I am very thankful for our staff team. A shared ministry with professionals and volunteers is how we best serve this congregation. I have felt great about blending my faith development calling with the fabulous energy of our minister, Liz Lerner Maclay, and our excellent musical director, Fred Jodry. Each day, I am assisted and supported by Walter Sotelo, Jaime Durango, Pedro Vasquez, Emily Yaruss, Marcia Taylor, and others. The blessing I hold up is my 20-year listening, sharing, laughing partnership with Posey Kooris, our Congregational Administrator, who has shown me friendship and collaboration beyond measure! I know that her next chapter will be full of adventure and fun.
Sunday, June 3, is our closing Sunday school day, beginning with an appreciation breakfast for teacher teams. Then, on to the Meeting House for the beginning of the service, with Joyful Noise performing and an honoring of the many volunteers who have served the children and youth. Next, there will be time in classrooms to celebrate! I have deep gratitude for the children, youth, and adults who have shared time in our faith community this season!
My work is far from done. I will complete content for the 2018-19 Resource Book, plan the worship calendar for next year, recruit and support volunteers, and develop new curricula. Please contact me in the office this month if you’d like to be part of our programs for children, youth, and adults.
I look forward to some spending time with my family this summer. I hope that you soak in the season in ways that you love.
Take care,
Cathy Seggel
Director of Religious Education