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Date(s) - Monday, February 5, 2018
10:00 am

First Unitarian Church of Providence


The Women’s Alliance Monthly Meeting Monday, February 5
Business Meeting: 10:00a
Program: 11:00a followed by luncheon ($10)

On Water Quality and Coastal Erosion
Speaker: John Torgan

The ocean and the coast define our way of life in Rhode Island. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) works to protect our valuable resources, including the health of our fresh and salt water. Using the best available science, TNC addresses water quality, coastal erosion, and the effects of cli-mate change through habitat management and coastal restoration.

John Torgan is the RI State Director of The Nature Conservancy. Prior to joining TNC in 2011, John worked for Save the Bay, serving as Narragansett Baykeeper and Director of Advocacy. In addition to guiding TNC activities within Rhode Island, John also works regionally and nationally on TNC efforts around fisheries, coastal resilience, and water quality.

The Women’s Alliance was established in 1882 and continues to be to serve the community, both locally and at large, to provide friendship and spiritual and cultural stimuli for its members, and to support the church and its denomination. The business meeting starts at 10:00 AM, followed by a program at 11:00 AM which is open to everyone who is interested, and concludes with a delicious catered luncheon beginning at noon ($10).  Contact: Nori Duncan, Alliance President nori.duncan@gmail.com