October Parish House Potluck Supper
Date(s) - Friday, October 12, 2018
5:45 pm - 9:00 pm
First Unitarian Church of Providence
Join us for our October Parish House Potluck Supper
Everyone, young and old and in between, is welcome at these monthly gatherings of members and friends of the congregation for food, fun and fellowship.
The Partner Church Committee will be sponsoring the supper and the evening program. There will be some tasty goodies from Transylvania being served at the supper. Be sure to get in line early to get some goulash! The evening program will be led by our contact at the UUPC, Rev. Roger Berchausen who will talk about how partner church relationships are an added value to a congregation. We will also be discussing the marriage equality issue concerning the decision of the Hungarian Unitarian Church to define marriage only between a man and a woman.
When: Friday, October 12, 2018
5:45 Reception in the Atrium
6:00 Pot Luck Supper in the Parish House parlors:
Bring a dish to share that serves eight to ten people like a main dish, vegetable, salad, or dessert.
7:30 Program in the Auditorium
Reservations: Use the sign up form to indicated how many will be attending.
Food Donations: Use the sign up form to indicate what food you will be bringing.
Volunteer Task Force: Be sure to check off on the sign up form where you want to help.
Donation: $2 per person / $5 per family at the door
Program: Transylvania Partner Church Refresh Weekend Kickoff
Reservations for the dinner are strongly requested. Please fill out the tear-off sign up form handed out by the Deacons and take it to the Parish House Pot Luck Suppers table in the Atrium during coffee hour or call the church office in advance (401.421.7970). Childcare for infants and children to age 10 will be available for parents who request in advance.
Mark your calendar for future Parish House Pot Luck Suppers!
Note that there will be two Saturday Suppers at an earlier hour to accommodate families with younger children.
Friday, November 16
Saturday, December 8
Friday, February 8
Friday, January 11
Friday, March 8
Saturday, April 13
Friday, May 10