Spring Transformation – Budding before Blooming

I love this month of anticipation and emergence. The weeks are officially spring, but the weather may not be quite there, yet. I try to remind myself of the delicate dance that is going on, in work, play and the natural cycle.

In our Spiritual Pathways program, this season means careful review of goals, curricula, staff, and budget, while looking forward to renewing and enhancing our vision and program-ming. After mindful consideration of the foundational elements anchoring our faith devel-opment programs for children and youth, we are at the point in our annual cycle when the Spiritual Pathways team and I seek out and assess valuable constituent feedback. We invite volunteer teacher teams to a breakfast, where connections and camaraderie are blended with the gathering of recommendations for program evolution. This evaluation process comes at a point in the year when we remember to hold up accomplishments as well as challenges. High-lights will include the Senior High Youth Group worship service and the annual Coming of Age Boston UU heritage trip. Easter, Passover Seder, Child Dedication, Earth Day, and recognition services are on the horizon.

As we recover from winter chores and remain focused on our responsibility to actively resist hate and injustice, there is a hopeful feeling in congregational life at First Unitarian. As I write this, the Community Food Share Pantry crew is preparing for distribution and many efforts are under way, including updating security practices, organizing youth and adults for gun control advocacy and action, and continuing to work toward providing immigration sanctuary.

I understand the many other events and programs that compete for your family’s time and commitment. Please consider that nurturing spiritual lives can be well worth the trade-offs. Our times call for being informed and practiced in various ways. Soul work can be a healthy foundation for all of it. There are plentiful opportunities here for you and your families to appreciate and support the fresh buds of spring. I look forward to being with you.

These words of Rev. Terasa Cooley inspire my springtime focus:

In this time of anticipated spring, let us allow ourselves to extend the anticipation – to value the time of budding before blooming, of seeding before sprouting.

This is a time of revelation: the revealing of that which is eternal, which we see every year, but still need to be reminded to see it in a new way.

There is also the revelation of that which is new. Every spring we encounter something never before seen.
It is that very newness which embodies hope and potential for the wholeness which is yet to be.

Let us allow spring to unfold slowly, that we may appreciate the true mystery of rebirth and renewal.

Take care.

Cathy Seggel, Director of Religious Education