Invitation from the Benevolent Society
Date(s) - Thursday, January 10, 2019
7:00 pm
First Unitarian Church of Providence
“We drink from wells we did not dig.”
Two sessions: Thursday, January 10 at 7:00p Wednesday, January 23 at 2:30p
This season reminds us that we are all beneficiaries of gifts left to our church by others in decades gone by. Bequests to our endowment are gratefully received from the savings of members who have passed on.
This is not a program just for rich people. All gifts of any amount are precious and welcome. Rich or poor, old or young, the Benevolent Society invites you to learn how simple it is to leave a bit of whatever you have left to the church – after you have “left.”
To learn more, attend a one-hour meeting on January 10 or 23. You’ll be glad you did.
The Benevolent Society is a revival of a former organization in the church that was responsible for the financial well-being of the church. Newly reconstituted, its goal is to encourage members and friends to make legacy gifts to the church to ensure its ongoing financial health.
– Ralph Mero, Convenor