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Interim Music Director Job Description
Job Title: Interim Music Director
Job Summary:
The Interim Music Director (IMD) creates and directs a program of stimulating and inspiring music for the church, with enthusiasm for Unitarian Universalist principles of respect, justice, and spiritual growth. The IMD directs music for worship services and leads … read more.
Proposed Mission Statement
The Story of our Proposed New First Unitarian Mission Statement:
Where it Comes From, What Informs It, What it Will Offer
Where it Comes From
A Mission Statement is a living document, meant to be reconsidered and updated on a recurring basis, to make sure it remains relevant … read more.
Partner Church Easter Messages
Dear Friends,
Today is especially important to celebrate Easter. Today, when every political and social stratum is ready for us not to have community, not have humanity left inside us, it’s especially important for the celebration of Easter to be life-giving, strengthening and to bring triumph.
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First U Virtual Art Exhibit
First U Virtual Art Exhibit V2
An all-ages exhibit of Art
by First U community members
Hints for viewing the gallery:
Hover over any image for a moment to see the title of the artwork, which includes the artist’s name.
Click on any square to see the full image of the piece of art. … read more.
300th Anniversary Commemorative Items
Financial Information First U 3-27-20
Explanatory material / text can go here
If you click on the expander icon at the bottom of the image frame next to “Secure”, it will blow up to a full screen view of the PDF document — not important to let folks know … read more.